Journal Papers
Koo Y, Ogihara N, Koo S*, Active arm swing during running improves rotational stability of the upper body and metabolic energy efficiency, Annals of Biomedical Engineering , Online ahead of print, February 2025. (Youtube)
Choi JH, Choi YH, Kim J, Koo S, Lee KM*, Postoperative stability in displaced ankle fractures with concomitant ligamentous injuries, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Vol. 63(5):508-512, September 2024.
Oh J, Koo S*, Fast digitally reconstructed radiograph generation using particle-based statistical shape and intensity model, Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 11(3):033503, June 2024.
Boo J, Koo YJ, Lee JH, Jang WY, Koo S*, Hindfoot Joint Kinematics Analysis after the Resection of Talocalcaneal Coalition, Gait & Posture, Vol. 111:48-52, June 2024.
Choi YH, Choi JH, Koo S, Han HS, Lee DY, Lee KM*, Dynamic foot pressure during walking: A potential indicator of bone mineral density, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol. 106(9):801-808, May 2024.
Koo Y, Hwangbo J, Koo S*, Higher coactivations of lower limb muscles increase stability during walking on slippery ground in forward dynamics musculoskeletal simulation, Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 22808, December 2023. (Youtube)
Choi JH, Choi YH, Kim DH, Lee DY, Koo S, Lee KM*, Effect of flatfoot correction on the ankle joint following lateral column lengthening: A radiographic evaluation, Plos One, Vol. 18(11), e0286013, November 2023.
Park G, Ryu S, Park SK, Yoon S, Koo S*, Uncertainties of three-dimensional motion prediction from a single virtual accelerometer during walking and running, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23(21):26776-26785, November 2023.
Choi YH, Kwon TH, Choi JH, Jeong N, Koo S, Lee KM*, Radiographic measurements associated with ankle power generation during gait in patients with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, Vol. 43(9):e713-e718, October 2023.
Kim YS, Koo S, Kim JH, Tae J, Wang JH, Ahn JH, Jang KM, Jeon J, Lee DK*, Greater knee rotatory instability after posterior meniscocapsular injury versus anterolateral ligament injury, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 11(9):23259671231188712, September 2023.
Son Y, Lee KM, Koo S*, Increase in lateral contact force in the tibiotalar joint during walking in flatfoot patients with reduced stiffness of the spring ligament, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 157:111711, August 2023. TABLE 3 Correction.
Koo Y, Seon JK, Lee G, Koo S*, Influences of partial anterior cruciate ligament injury on anterior cruciate ligament tensional force and kinematic stability during walking, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 145(1):011003, January 2023.
Jung M, Koo S*, Physical factors that differentiate body kinematics between treadmill and overground walking, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, August 2022. (Youtube)
Jeon S, Lee KM, Koo S*, Anomalous gait feature classification from 3-D motion capture data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol. 26(2):696-703, February 2022.
Cho SH, Chung CY, Park MS, Sung KH, Choi JH, Koo S, Lee KM*, Intrasubject radiographic progression of hallux valgus deformity in patients with and without metatarsus adductus: Bilateral asymmetric hallux valgus deformity, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Vol. 61(1): 17-22, January 2022.
Lee NK, Lee KM*, Han H, Koo S, Kang SB, Chang CB, Relationship between radiographic measurements and knee adduction moment using 3D gait analysis, Gait & Posture, Vol. 90:179-184, October 2021.
Phan CB, Lee KM, Kwon SS, Koo S*, Kinematic instability in the joints of flatfoot subjects during walking: A biplanar fluoroscopic study, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 127:110681, October 2021. APPENDIX
Park G, Lee KM, Koo S*, Uniqueness of gait kinematics in a cohort study, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, Article number: 15248, July 2021.
Choi JH, Han HS, Park YJ, Koo S, Lee T, Lee KM*, Relationship between ankle varus moment during gait and radiographic measurements in patients with medial ankle osteoarthritis, Plos One, Vol. 16(6): e0253570, June 2021.
Kwon KB, Lee SY, Chung CY, Park MS, Choi JH, Koo S, Lee KM*, Posterior Tibial Tendon Integrity Can Be Screened With Plain Anteroposterior Foot Radiography, Orthopedics, Vol. 43(6):e503-e507, November 2020.
Kwak Y, Kim J, Lee KM, Koo S*, Increase of stiffness in plantar fat tissue in diabetic patients, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 107:109857, June 2020.
Koo Y, Jung Y, Seon JK, Koo S*, Anatomical ACL reconstruction can restore the natural knee kinematics than isometric ACL reconstruction during the stance phase of walking, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 21:1127–1134, June 2020.
Park BS, Chung CY, Park MS, Sung KH, Choi Y, Park C, Koo S, Lee KM*, Inverse relationship between radiographic lateral ankle instability and osteochondral lesions of the talus in patients with ankle inversion injuries, Foot & Ankle International, Vol. 40(12):1368-1374, December 2019.
Kim SH, Ham DW, Lee JI, Park SW, Ko MJ, Koo SB, Song KS*, Locating the Instant Center of Rotation in the Subaxial Cervical Spine with Biplanar Fluoroscopy during In Vivo Dynamic Flexion-Extension, Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, Vol. 11(4):482-489, December 2019.
Lee KM*, Chung CY, Park MS, Sung KH, Koo S, Moon SI, Wang SD, Jung KJ, Analysis of three-dimensional computed tomography talar morphology in relation to pediatric pes planovalgus deformity, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B, Vol. 28(6):591-597, November 2019.
Phan CB, Shin G, Lee KM, Koo S*, Skeletal kinematics of the midtarsal joint during walking: Midtarsal joint locking revisited, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 95:109287, October 2019.
Kim Y, Kim J, Lee KM, Koo S*, The increase of joint contact forces in foot joints with simulated subtalar fusion in healthy subjects, Gait & Posture, Vol. 74:27-32, October 2019.
Min BC, Chung CY, Park MS, Choi Y, Koo S, Jang S, Lee KM*, Dynamic first tarsometatarsal instability during gait evaluated by pedobarographic examination in patients with hallux valgus, Foot & Ankle International, Vol. 40(9): 1104-1109, September 2019.
Koo Y, Koo S*, Three-dimensional kinematic coupling of the healthy knee during treadmill walking, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 141(8):081012, August 2019.
Koo S, Park MS, Chung CY, Yoon JS, Park C, Lee KM*, Effects of walking speed and slope on pedobarographic findings in young healthy adults, Plos One, Vol. 14(7):e0220073, July 2019.
Kim Y, Jung Y, Choi W, Lee K, Koo S*, Similarities and differences between musculoskeletal simulations of OpenSim and AnyBody Modeling System, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 32(12):6037-6044, December 2018.
Nguyen DP, Phan CB, Koo S*, Predicting body movements for person identification under different walking conditions, Forensic Science International, Vol. 290:303-309, September_2018.
Phan CB, Nguyen DP, Lee KM, Koo S*, Relative movement on the articular surfaces of the tibiotalar and subtalar joints during walking, Bone & Joint Research, Vol. 7(8):501-507, August 2018.
Kim Y, Lee KM, Koo S*, Joint moments and contact forces in the foot during walking, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 74(6):79-85, June 2018.
Koo S, Chun S, Lee KM*, Cho BC, Koo Y, Kang D, Park MS, Sex differences in pedobarographic findings and relationship between radiographic and pedobarographic measurements in young healthy adults, Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, Vol. 10(2):216-224, June 2018.
Park SK, Koo S, Yoon SH, Park S, Kim Y, Ryu JS*, Gender differences in ground reaction force components, Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 28(2):101-108, June 2018.
Lee J, Phan CB, Koo S*, Predicting three-dimensional gait parameters with a single camera video sequence, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 19(5):753-759, May 2018.
Lee SY, Chung CY, Park MS, Sung KH, Ahmed S, Koo S, Kang DW, Lee KM*, Radiographic measurements associated with the natural progression of the hallux valgus during at least 2 years of follow-up, Foot & Ankle International, Vol. 39(4):463-470, April 2018.
Lee KM*, Ahmed S, Park MS, Sung KH, Lee SY, Koo S, Effectiveness of arthroscopically assisted surgery for ankle fractures: A meta-analysis, Injury, Vol. 48(10):2318-2322, October 2017.
Jung Y, Koo Y, Koo S*, Simultaneous estimation of ground reaction force and knee contact force during walking and squatting, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 18(9):1263-1268, September 2017.
Lee SY, Kwon SS, Park MS, Chung MK, Kim KB, Koo S, Lee KM*, Is there a relationship between bone morphology and injured ligament on imaging studies and laxity on ankle stress radiographs?, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 37(13):1080-1086, December 2016.
Kim Y, Ta D, Jung M, Koo S*, A musculoskeletal lumbar and thoracic model for calculation of joint kinetics in the spine, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 30(6):2891-2897, June 2016.
Jung Y, Jung M, Ryu J, Yoon S, Park S, Koo S*, Dynamically adjustable foot-ground contact model to estimate ground reaction force during walking and running, Gait & Posture, Vol. 45:62-68, March 2016.
Jung Y, Phan c, Koo S*, Intra-articular knee contact force estimation during walking using force-reaction elements and subject-specific joint model, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 138(2):021016, February 2016.
Phan C, Koo S*, Predicting anatomical landmarks and bone morphology of the femur using local region matching, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 10(11):1711-1719, November 2015.
Jung KJ, Chung MK, Lee KM*, Chung CY, Lee DY, Park MS, Koo S, Concomitant ankle injuries associated with tibial shaft fractures, Foot & Ankle International, Vol. 36(10):1209-1214, October 2015.
Koo S*, Lee K, Cha YJ, Plantar-flexion of the ankle joint complex in terminal stance is initiated by subtalar plantar-flexion: a bi-planar fluoroscopy study, Gait & Posture, Vol. 42(4):424-429, October 2015.
Koo S, Kyung BS, Jeong JS, Suh DW, Ahn JH, Wang JH*, Dynamic three-dimensional analysis of Lachman test for anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency: Analysis of anteroposterior motion of the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles, Knee Surgery & Related Research, Vol. 27(3):187-193, September 2015
Lee KM*, Chung CY, Sung KH, Lee SY, Kim TG, Choi Y, Jung KJ, Kim YH, Koo S, Park MS, Anatomical predisposition of the ankle joint for lateral sprain or lateral malleolar fracture evaluated by radiographic measurements, Foot & Ankle International, Vol. 36(1):64-69, January 2015.
Hwang S, Choi Y*, Koo S, Shape reconstruction and inspection using multi-planar X-ray images, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 15(8):1545-1551, August 2014.
Jung Y, Jung M, Lee K, Koo S*, Ground reaction force estimation using an insole-type pressure mat and joint kinematics during walking, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 47(11):2693-2699, August 2014.
Park N, Lee J, Sung KH, Park MY, Koo S*, Design and validation of automated femoral bone morphology measurements in cerebral palsy, Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 27(2):262-269, April 2014.
Jung HJ*, Kim JH, Lee HJ, Koo S, Chang SH, Jung YB, Lee SH, The isometry of two different paths for remnant-preserving posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Vol. 21(5):1029-1035, May 2013.
Baek SY, Wang JH, Song I, Lee K, Lee J, Koo S*, Automated bone landmarks prediction on the femur using anatomical deformation technique, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 45(2):505-510, February 2013.
Lee JS, Kim TH, Kang SY, Lee SH, Jung YB, Koo S, Chang SH, Lee WB, Jung HJ*, How isometric are the anatomic femoral tunnel and the anterior tibial tunnel for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?, Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol. 28(10):1504-1512, 2012.
Kim G, Jung HJ*, Lee HJ, Lee JS, Koo S, Chang SH, Accuracy and reliability of length measurements on three-dimensional computed tomography using open-source OsiriX software, Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 25(4):486-491, 2012.
Lee SH, Jung YB, Lee HJ, Koo S, Chang SH, Song KS, Jung HJ*, Evaluation of tunnel position of posterolateral corner reconstruction using 3-dimensional computed tomogram, The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol. 28(6):844-854, 2012.
Yang S, Choi Y*, Koo S, CUDA-based fast DRR generation for analysis of medical images, Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 16(4):285-291, 2011.
Koo S*, Rylander J, Andriacchi TP, Knee joint kinematics during walking influences the spatial cartilage thickness distribution in the knee, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 44(7):1405-1409, 2011.
Netravali N, Koo S, Giori NJ, Andriacchi TP*, The effect of kinematic and kinetic changes on meniscal strains during gait, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 133(1):011006-, 2011.
Koo S, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE, Dragoo JL*, Fabrication of Custom-Shaped Grafts for Cartilage Regeneration, International Journal of Artificial Organs, Vol. 33(10):731-737, 2010.
Koo S*, Giori NJ, Gold GE, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP, Accuracy of 3D cartilage models generated from MR images is dependent on cartilage thickness: Laser scanner based validation of in vivo cartilage, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 131(12):121004-, 2009.
Liphardt A-M*, Mundermann A, Koo S, Becker N, Andriacchi TP, Zange J, Mester J, Heer M, Vibration training intervention to maintain cartilage thickness and serum concentrations of cartilage oligometric matrix protein (COMP) during immobilization, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 17(12):1598-1603, 2009.
Gold GE*, Chen CA, Koo S, Hargreaves BA, Bangerter NK, Recent advances in MRI of articular cartilage, American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol. 193(3):628-638, 2009.
Andriacchi TP*, Koo S, Scanlan S, Gait mechanics influences healthy cartilage morphology and knee osteoarthritis, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am), Vol. 91(Suppl 1):95-101, 2009.
Koo S*, Andriacchi TP, The knee joint center of rotation is predominantly on the lateral side during normal walking, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 41(6):1269-1273, 2008.
Chaudhari A*, Briant P, Bevill S, Koo S, Andriacchi TP, Knee kinematics, cartilage morphology and osteoarthritis following ACL injury, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Vol. 40(2):215-222, 2008.
Koo S*, Andriacchi TP, A comparison of the influence of global functional loads vs. local contact anatomy on articular cartilage thickness at the knee, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 40(13):2961-2966, 2007.
Kornaat PR*, Koo S, Andriacchi TP, Bloem JL, Gold GE, Comparison of quantitative cartilage measurements acquired on two 3.0T MR imaging systems from different manufacturers, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 23(5):770-773, 2006.
Song Y, Greve JM, Carter DR, Koo S, Giori, NJ*, Articular cartilage MR imaging and thickness mapping of a loaded knee joint before and after meniscectomy, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 14(8):728-737, 2006.
Andriacchi TP*, Briant PL, Bevill SL, Koo S, A virtual analysis of the mechanical factors influencing the progression of osteoarthritis at the knee, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol. 442():39-44, 2006.
Koo S, Gold GE, Andriacchi TP*, Considerations in measuring cartilage thickness using MRI: Factors influencing reproducibility and accuracy, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 13(9):782-789, 2005.
Kornaat PR*, Reeder, SB, Koo S, Brittain J, Yu H, Andriacchi TP, Gold GE, MR imaging of articular cartilage at 1.5T and 3.0T: Comparison of SPGR and SSFP sequences, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 13(4):338-344, 2005.
Andriacchi TP*, Mündermann A, Smith RL, Alexander EJ, Dyrby CO, Koo S, An in vivo framework for the pathomechanics of osteoarthritis at the knee, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 32(3):447-457, 2004.
Koo S, Lee K*, Wrap-around operation to make multi-resolution model of part and assembly, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 26(5):687-700, 2002.